Grounded & Growing
An Anabaptist podcast discussing theology and connecting it to everyday life.
Produced by The Sword and Trumpet Ministries. Visit for more info.
Formerly the Theological Touchpoints podcast.
Grounded & Growing
Does Justification Matter? [Foundations]
Why does justification by faith alone matter? Because if we discard or downplay it, we are of necessity also discarding and downplaying grace. If our works are necessary to complete our salvation, then God’s grace isn’t sufficient to save. If our gospel is to be God-glorifying, it must be God-centered. And if it is to be God-centered, it must be grace-based. That is, it must be about what God has done to save sinners, not about what sinners have done to make themselves worthy of God.
A production of The Sword and Trumpet Ministries.
To learn more about The Sword & Trumpet Ministries, visit the Sword & Trumpet Website. For more theological content, visit