Grounded & Growing
An Anabaptist podcast discussing theology and connecting it to everyday life.
Produced by The Sword and Trumpet Ministries. Visit for more info.
Formerly the Theological Touchpoints podcast.
Podcasting since 2022 • 47 episodes
Grounded & Growing
Latest Episodes
Why Do We Need the Bible?
Scripture is essential to all true faith. Listen today to hear how God reveals Himself through creation and through the Bible, and why it matters.
Season 2
Episode 1
Does Justification Matter? [Foundations]
Why does justification by faith alone matter? Because if we discard or downplay it, we are of necessity also discarding and downplaying grace. If our works are necessary to complete our salvation, then God’s grace isn’t sufficient to save. If o...
Season 1
Episode 52
If You Love Me... [Foundations]
Jesus does not require anything of us poor wretched sinners except that we come to Him in faith. His love is offered freely to all who are willing to receive it. This grace compels us to obey. As Isaac Watts expressed, “Love so amazing, so divi...
Season 1
Episode 51
Living Faith [Foundations]
What is the relationship between faith and works? The apostle Paul taught that we are saved by grace through faith apart from works. If we are justified by faith alone, why does James say that Abraham was “justified by works when he offered Isa...
Season 1
Episode 50