Grounded & Growing
An Anabaptist podcast discussing theology and connecting it to everyday life.
Produced by The Sword and Trumpet Ministries. Visit for more info.
Formerly the Theological Touchpoints podcast.
Grounded & Growing
If You Love Me... [Foundations]
Jesus does not require anything of us poor wretched sinners except that we come to Him in faith. His love is offered freely to all who are willing to receive it. This grace compels us to obey. As Isaac Watts expressed, “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.” This kind of love demands that we give everything—my soul, my life, my all. If we come to Christ with hearts brimming with love for Him, then we are ready and eager to hear these words in John 14:15, "If you love me, keep my commandments."
A production of The Sword and Trumpet Ministries.
To learn more about The Sword & Trumpet Ministries, visit the Sword & Trumpet Website. For more theological content, visit