Grounded & Growing
An Anabaptist podcast discussing theology and connecting it to everyday life.
Produced by The Sword and Trumpet Ministries. Visit for more info.
Formerly the Theological Touchpoints podcast.
Grounded & Growing
What Is Justification? - Part One [Foundations]
Julian Stoltzfus
Season 1
Episode 47
To appreciate justification we must first realize who we are and where we are headed apart from Christ. Without God’s grace, we are: justly condemned to eternal judgment, under divine wrath, alienated from God, in bondage to sin and Satan, and captive to our hearts which prefer the darkness of sin to the light of Christ.
A production of The Sword and Trumpet Ministries.
To learn more about The Sword & Trumpet Ministries, visit the Sword & Trumpet Website. For more theological content, visit