Grounded & Growing
An Anabaptist podcast discussing theology and connecting it to everyday life.
Produced by The Sword and Trumpet Ministries. Visit for more info.
Formerly the Theological Touchpoints podcast.
Grounded & Growing
Powerless Absolution [Touchpoints]
The nature of Christ’s atonement is becoming a common discussion. It’s an important one, since the atonement is a foundational tenet of Christian doctrine. The atonement is no secondary or tertiary issue. Christ's atoning work is essential to the gospel. His work on the cross is what makes it possible for sinful men to be reconciled to a holy God. Our salvation rests upon Christ’s atonement. So what we believe about it is of utmost importance.
A production of The Sword and Trumpet Ministries.
To learn more about The Sword & Trumpet Ministries, visit the Sword & Trumpet Website. For more theological content, visit